[開催報告]International Open Forum on Data Society


==English follows Japanese.==


 一般社団法人データ社会推進協議会(以下 DSA)は、IEEE SA P3800 WGとDawex Systems, SAS (以下 Dawex社)[1]との共催により、データ連携に関わる欧州の主要な機関と国際標準化団体であるIEEE、ISOに関わる関係者が一同に会するInternational Open Forum on Data Societyを開催いたしました。



  1. 次回会合の開催時期と場所についての合意
  2. 標準化に向けた協議のためのタスクフォースを設置
  3. 共同で広報コンテンツを制作する

[1]本社:フランス リヨン、CEO Fabrice Tocco, Laurent Lafaye
Dawex社について https://www.dawex.com/en/
[2]第1回円卓会議 https://data-society-alliance.org/press-release/9101/
第2回円卓会議  https://data-society-alliance.org/press-release/10959/

International Open Forum on Data Society開催報告[PDF,286KB]

Report of International Open Forum on Data Society

Agreement to Establish a Task Force for International Standardization of Data Federation

March 1st, 2024
Data Society Alliance

The Data Society Alliance(DSA), the IEEE SA P3800 WG and Dawex Systems,SAS(Dawex)[3],hosted the International Open Forum on Data Society, an event that brings together key European organizations involved in data collaboration with stakeholders from the IEEE and ISO, the international standards bodies.

The meeting was held in Paris, France, from February 12 to 14, 2024 in Paris, France, with participants from Europe, Japan, China and India. 18 organizations from industry, academia, and government made reports. The number of participants, including virtual ones, was 68 people and 31 organizations. At the meeting, in addition to the latest status reports from various organizations, they engaged in lively discussions on data space, brokerage, trading, regulation, and governance related to data usage, standardization, interoperability, and trust frameworks.
As a result of this meeting, we are pleased to report that the following agreements have been reached with the participating organizations and companies. The presentation materials and minutes of this meeting will be disclosed in the public relations contents listed in 3.

  1. The next meeting
    The next meeting will be held in Japan in the fall of 2024.
  2. Establish a task force to discuss international standardization.
    Regarding interoperability among data spaces, a task force was established to promote international standardization activities jointly, and it was agreed that the task force meetings would be held monthly.
  3. Create PR content.
    Create public relations content to disseminate the contents of this meeting and past roundtables (the past two meetings were referred to as roundtables[4]) to the international community.

[3]Lyon, France,CEO Fabrice Tocco, Laurent Lafaye https://www.dawex.com/en/
[4]Round table meeting for data society https://data-society-alliance.org/press-release/9101/
Report on the 2nd IEEE SA & DSA International Standardization Roundtable  https://data-society-alliance.org/press-release/10959/

To view the full text, including details of the conference program, please view the PDF version.
International Open Forum on Data Society Report[PDF,275KB]